Election Inspectors are a critical part of America’s democracy. Elections simply could not be done without inspectors. They are on the frontline of ensuring access to the polls. Please consider signing up to be an election inspector and become part of the backbone of American elections.

If you are interested, please call our office at (518) 885-2249 or email us for more information. For every election, each party must have up to two inspectors assigned to each election district. Inspectors for both parties must also be present for a Primary Election, regardless of the party holding the election. Registered voters who are not members of any party are still eligible to be election inspectors.

Qualifications & Requirements

  • Be able to speak, read, & write English
  • Be a registered voter in Saratoga County if 18 or older
  • Be at least 17 years old
  • Attend annual inspector training
  • Be familiar/willing to get familiar with using iPads and printers
Early Voting Inspector Requirements
  • Must attend annual Election Day & Early Voting Training
  • Must have worked at least 1 Election Day prior
  • Must work at the Board of Elections poll site for your first Election
  • Required to work Election Day in order to work Early Voting
  • Note that only the Board of Elections staff schedule Early Voting Inspectors
  • Note that inspectors will not be assigned to work every day of Early Voting
Pay Rates
  • Election Day: $260
  • Early Voting: $150/day
