Read the Agency Program Profile Instructions
Aging OCFS-5002

SITE INFORMATION Most Significant (3 Maximum)

Please use whole numbers, when entering information for Sex, Race/Ethnicity, Ages, and Target Population areas, not percentages. Please note, residential programs may only serve young adults ages 21-24 if certified to do so and such services have been documented.

SEX: (Enter number of participants per sex)

RACE/ETHNICITY OF PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: (Enter number of participants per race or ethnic group)




Enter number of participants per population described

Please describe (in 100 words maximum per feature) how the program for which you are requesting funding addresses each of the Features of positive youth development settings below

Features of positive youth development settings (school, home and community) Please describe how the program for which you are requesting funding addresses each of the Features of Positive Youth Development settings
Physical and Psychological Safety Safe and health-promoting facilities; practices that increase safe peer group interaction and decrease unsafe or confrontational peer interactions
Appropriate Structure Limit setting; clear and consistent rules and expectations; firm enough control; continuity and predictability; clear boundaries; and age appropriate monitoring

Supportive Relationship Warmth; closeness; connectedness; good communication; caring; support; guidance; secure attachment; and responsiveness

Opportunities to Belong Opportunities for meaningful inclusion, regardless of one’s sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disabilities; social inclusion, social engagement and integration; opportunities for socio-cultural identity formation; and support for cultural and bicultural competence

Positive Social Norms Rules of behavior; expectations; injunctions; ways of doing things; values and morals; and obligations for service

Support for Efficacy & Mattering Youth-based; empowerment practices that support autonomy; making a real difference in one’s community; and being taken seriously. Practices that include enabling, responsibility granting, and meaningful challenge. Practices that focus on improvement rather than on relative current performance levels

Opportunities for Skill Building Opportunities to learn physical, intellectual, psychological, emotional, and social skills; exposure to intentional learning experiences, opportunities to learn cultural literacy, media literacy, communication skills and good habits of mind; preparation for adult employment; and opportunities to develop social and cultural capital

Integration of Family, School & Community Efforts Concordance; coordination and synergy among family, school and community

Monitoring & Evaluation Methods (Please describe in 100 words or less)

Monitoring is defined as a systematic review of a funded program based upon the requirements of a contract, rules, regulations, policies and/or state and local laws. It identifies the degree to which a program or operation accomplishes the activities specified in a contract/application and how it complies with requirements. Describe the process used to monitor your funded programs based on the above definition. Please include the person(s) responsible for monitoring, frequency of monitoring and documentation of monitoring activities

Evaluation Methods is the process to determine the value or amount of success in achieving a pre-determined program or operational goal. Evaluations can identify program strengths and weaknesses to improve the program. Evaluations can verify if the program is actually running as originally planned. Describe the process to be used to evaluate the attainment of the objectives. Please include the person(s) who conduct the evaluation, the objectives measured, when the evaluation will be conducted and how the results will be used

Disclaimer: This form will be submitted to the Saratoga County Department of Aging & Youth Services. Please note that submission of these forms to the County Department of Aging and Youth Services does NOT guarantee funding will be allocated to your program.
