Aging OCFS-5011

Instructions for applicants: Complete this form and submit it, along with all required attachments, to the applicable municipal youth bureau by the local deadline. Programs may receive one or more awards dependent on the information provided in this application. Each award may be for no more than $50,000. Please contact your municipal youth bureau for more information. Municipal youth bureau contact information can be found at

Program name

Contact person for application

What sport, physical recreation, or athletic instruction does this program offer youth?

Describe the population of youth the program is designed to serve:

Describe the traditionally underserved or disadvantaged youth population(s) to be supported by this program and how the program will outreach to these population(s). Consider youth of all genders, youth with disabilities, youth in “opportunity deserts,” youth living in traditionally under-resourced communities, etc.

How will these funds be used? Complete each field as applicable. Each selection will be considered, and potentially awarded, separately.

Permits/fees, including access to fields, courts, etc.

Infrastructure improvement (repave courts/reseed fields, new nets, storage for equipment, etc.)

Purchase of gear, uniforms, or equipment for youth

Scholarships/offset cost of youth registration

Personnel costs (coaching, education/instruction of youth, overhead/admin, etc.)

Consumable supplies for youth participants (first-aid supplies, snacks, etc.)

Costs associated with adaptability/making the activity accessible for youth with disabilities

Total amount:

Please describe how one or more of the following will be incorporated into the program:*
1.Educational connection and achievement – More youth attending and completing school with increasedattainment, including programs that have collegiate placement success.
2.Physical health and well-being – Increasing physical activity and positive relationship to one’s body.
3.Mental health and well-being – Improving outcomes related to youth mental health and social and emotional skillsdevelopment and connectedness.
4.Employment – Increasing qualifications and skills, such as collective problem solving, teamwork, and disputeresolution, which help prepare youth for suitable employment.
5.Community cohesion – Breaking down barriers to reduce discrimination, crime, and violence in communities, andhelp young leaders emerge.

Please describe the efforts to be taken by the program to ensure the physical and psychological safety of youth participants. Consider policies, procedures, trainings, and activities conducted by the program that will prevent child abuse and enhance interpersonal safety of youth participants. *

*Please refer to for a list of suggested resources.

A follow-up email will be sent to the applicant on the required documentation to complete the application:

-A copy of your program’s child protection policy/procedure.

-A copy of your program’s budget.

-A proposed line-item budget for these funds, should this award be granted.

-Proof of non-profit status, as applicable.

I attest that the information included in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to provide the municipal youth bureau additional information upon request should award(s) be granted from this application.

Sign Here

Disclaimer: This form will be submitted to the Saratoga County Department of Aging & Youth Services. Please note that submission of these forms to the County Department of Aging and Youth Services does NOT guarantee funding will be allocated to your program.
