Services begin with an initial visit with a Service Coordinator. The Service Coordinator will assist the family in determining the needs of the child — using all available resources to help the family meet the special needs of their child in the most natural environment (home, child care center or family day care, and recreational settings like play grounds, libraries, play groups). During the initial visit, the Service Coordinator will also assist the family in scheduling a multidisciplinary evaluation.

Multidisciplinary simply means that more than one professional will be a part of the child’s evaluation. For example, the child’s evaluation team should have at least: a professional who can look at the child’s overall development and a professional with special knowledge about the specific concern.

Professionals must refer babies and toddlers to the Early Intervention Program if there is a concern about the child’s development. As a parent, you can also refer your child to your Early Intervention Program if you suspect a problem. Early Intervention is a voluntary program. Parents must give permission to have their child evaluated. Call the referral line at (518)584-7460 ext. 8398 or submit a referral form.

Once your form has been approved, you will be asked to submit an initial intake form.
