Sewer Commission 3pm

Sewer District 1002 Hudson River Road, Mechanicville, United States

Public Hearing 4:18pm

RESOLUTION 162 - 2018   Introduced by Supervisors Tollisen, Allen, DeLucia, Lent, Pemrick, Szczepaniak, and Wright   SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF A REGIONAL BIOSOLIDS DIGESTER FACILITY BY SARATOGA COUNTY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 IN COOPERATION WITH THE ALBANY COUNTY WATER PURIFICATION DISTRICT   WHEREAS, by proceedings heretofore duly had and taken pursuant to Article 5-A of the County Law, the Board of Supervisors of Saratoga County, New York, established a county sewer district designated and known as Saratoga County Sewer District No. 1, in said County (the "District"); and WHEREAS, for a variety of technical and financial reasons, the District was unable to comply with new federal Title V air regulations pertaining to the incineration of sludge/biosolids at the District’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, and as a consequence thereof, terminated operations of the Plant’s sludge incinerator on March 20, 2016; and WHEREAS, as a result of ceasing operations of its sludge incinerator, the District had to retain the services of a commercial hauler to remove, transport and dispose of sludge/biosolids from its Treatment Plant, which services are currently being provided pursuant to Resolution 137-2017 at a cost of $90.76 per wet ton, plus a surcharge of $10 per wet ton for each ton collected and transported above 430 wet tons per week; and WHEREAS, as a result of discussions between officials from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (“NYSERDA”), the Albany County Water Purification District (“ACWPD”), and the District, NYSERDA, ACWPD and the District agreed in principle to commission a study to determine the feasibility of constructing and operating a regional biosolids digester facility, and to share the costs of performing said feasibility study in the following percentages: NYSERDA-50%, ACWPD-25%, and the District-25%; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 135-2017, this Board authorized the execution of a cooperative agreement between the County of Albany, on behalf of the Albany County Water Purification District, and the County of Saratoga, on behalf of the District, to commission the feasibility study relative to the possible construction and operation of a regional biosolids digester facility, and to share the costs of the study in the foregoing percentages; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 136-2017, the County entered into an agreement with Arcadis of New York, Inc. for the preparation of the feasibility study, at a cost to the County of $25,000; and WHEREAS, the feasibility study has been completed by Arcadis of New York, Inc., reviewed by the members of the Saratoga County Sewer District Commission and the Albany County Water Purification District’s Board of Commissioners, and filed with the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 268 of the County Law in relation to a proposed increase and improvement of the facilities of said District; and WHEREAS, the feasibility study has determined that the construction of a regional biosolids handling facility, to be located at the existing site of the ACWPD North Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Village of Menands, would provide a long-term, cost-effective